Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy Holidays! Best Buds Forever

Me and my friends love to go ice skating and play in the snow any day. Unfortunately when we went up to the Pass we couldn't go inner tubing but we decided to make the best of it! One thing I learned is that you should enjoy your time with your friends even if it doesn't turn out as planned. Take a look!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tree Climber

I like to climb trees just like Edward!
Of course I'm not a vampire... yet.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Twilight Rocks!!

A couple days ago I saw Twilight and now I'm in love with it. I can't go 5 minutes without saying anything about Twilight. I don't know why but something about the movie is very exciting to me to watch. I haven't seen New Moon but I intend to by the end of thanksgiving break. This Thanksgiving I'm thankful to start reading the Twilight series!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


It was my dad's birthday and I was very excited to hang out with friends and family. My best friend M is the one in the green. She is the BEST at being a friend! The girl above M is her sister. She is a person I look up to all the time. The little girl with the red dress is Fifi. She is a wild girl. I admire her energy. The young girl with the big smile is very happy and always excited. And last but not least is my friend in the middle with the cute braces. She is always up to do anything. I love to be with my friends all the time!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Korean Food

These little tiny dishes are called, "banchan." They are served with all Korean meals.

This soup is called, "tteokguk." It has amazing quality and great flavor. It has rice cake and beef in it.

This dish is called, "dolsot bibimbop." it has many ingredients, sort of leftovers. It is served in a very hot stone dish with an egg cracked on top. When you stir everything together, the egg gets cooked!

I was not happy about going to the Korean restaurant yesterday, I had some other food in mind. But, by the time I ate my delicious soup, I realized, "Maybe I should go here more often." You should try it!!

pictures: I found these pictures on the internet by typing in, "korean food"

Monday, October 26, 2009

Extra Credit for Me!

click on this picture for a closer look.

This is my class project about a book called "Crash". Apparently I was only supposed to do one of the three things on our list. But instead I handed in all three! Extra credit for me!! Woohoo!

Come back later for a new post about Korean cuisine. Yum!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hayao Miyazaki

Hayao Miyazki movies are the movies I have been watching since I was very very young. Every time I see them I think of my Korean Grandmother and how amazing Asian people are. They are good at creating characters that are fun for adults and kids to watch. My favorite one is Naussica. She is the girl in the far left riding on top of the small airplane. I think I am most like Chihiro from the great movie that gave me chills called, "Spirited Away."

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Painting My Inner Thoughts

I have been sick for the past few days and this is how I feel. blech!